Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Before And After The Best Meals of Disease Signaling 4 Things to

Hyperthyroidism - eat more, people lose weight
Appetite in patients with hyperthyroidism are generally quite good, agreeable has continued to deduct from, character is also growing, but will be accompanied by exophthalmoses, nape thickening, or palpitation, heat intolerance, sweating, insomnia and other symptoms.

Some have had stomach problems in the elapse history, recent omens of sudden changes, or there is easy starve, satiety, symptoms, and the face, physical strength is obtaining worse, these may be the whistle of gastric malignancy.

Tips: bending over after meals three times to relieve bloating
In patients with flatulence, you can corner a meal three times a day waist, stoop to 90 degrees each, attach with the indoor or outside walking 10 to 30 minutes to ease.
Experts explain the bending action; can make food into the rage, coupled with the ease of campaign, which can enhance digestion

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If the change before meals, slumber, eat fruit or a glass of milk before working to bed after half an hour to 1 hour nap, then luncheon, so lunch can be more mainly eliminate labor.

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If the meal there antithetic acid, heartburn, belching, breast pain, it is gastro esophageal reflux symptoms. Usually such people should dodge eating also many, to eat fluid food.

3. Nap - well before meals
People flock to intestinal blood after meals to assist digest food, resulting in blood stream to the brain and extremities to reduce the head and body will not get enough oxygen and nutrient afford, lactic acid and additional metabolites can not be discharged in time, can lead to indigestion symptoms.

4. Soup - nice meals
Many people accustom to eat dinner and then soup, and soup before meals can give oral, esophagus, stomach, intestines and other food have to pass via the aisle and point "lubricant" so namely a smooth swallow food, the digestion of food in order to reduce hardware mucosal provocation.

Diabetes - "Chronicles"
The "more than three" - more food, more drinking, more urine, "1 fewer" - heaviness detriment, and feel malaise, dry mouth, this is the typical symptoms of diabetes. Such patients often absence to keep drinking water, and favor to eat sweets.

Stomach discomfort after meals, or whether there is increased abdominal belching, particularly after a meal accidents or the symptoms extra apparent when standing, and supine can reduce post, we ought pay attention to whether suffering from posies of the stomach. Body svelte, particularly those who, more presumable to gastrostomies.These are not appropriate "After supper take a walk," normally pay attention to Eat small meals constantly, rather after a meal supine recess for half an hour.

Before and After the Best Meals of Disease Signaling 4 Things to do

Introduction: the digestive system, endocrine system diseases, patients often react before meals and after meals. So do not bypass the emotion appears before eating a meal, these feelings may help you identify some of the hidden earlier diseases, so for not to delay handling.

Stomach diseases - or hungry after eating
if after eating or when hungry stomach pain, or fullness after eating regularly, belching,Best Seduction Secrets because Men apt Arouse Women on Your Date, may be suffering from gastritis performance.

Billiard tract disease - after eating greasy food
after eating greasy edible, and right upper quadrant ache radiating to the right elbow, namely undergoing the representation of cholecystitis or cholelithiasis.Especially love to eat greasy edible, obesity, human who do no eat breakfast, yet too disburse care to hindrance of these ailments.

If you eat a mini spicy, greasy, cold food, beverage a tiny, his abdomen is not comfortable; or a repast is cozy to diarrhea, and diarrhea or diarrhea accompanied by abdominal pain before, bowel, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and flu will dilute the post, these aresymptoms of intestinal dysfunction. Stool in time to the hospital because examination or chronoscope to rule out whether there is an intestinal infection or intestinal alphabetical disease.

Abdominal disease - or at night when you are hungry
Or at night when starving often feel abdominal pain after eating can mitigate these symptoms tend to be afflicted with duodenal ulcer.

Health concerns than before meals, behind meals 4 the best object to do before meals
1. Movement - good meals
Empty belly before eating, no current fat compartments into fatty acids, tin training its "mobilization" out into the heat and wasted.1 hour before meals, hasty walking or jogging, for 30 to 45 minutes better than exercise after eating much better.

After the meal onset or worsening stomach pain, will have to pay attention to whether had gastric ulcer. In general, the gastric ulcer patients after consumption of basic foods reduce pain.

2. Fruit - good meals
Eat fruit after a meal the body will be asked to eat the food blockade in the stomach, resulting in fermentation reactions and even corruption, people arise flatulence, constipation and other symptoms, harmful effects to the digestive feature. If you put the time to eat fruit before eating, above the immune system, and to eat fruit after a meal is no such health effects.

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